Lucky Bat Books is not a traditional publisher.
We put the writer in charge – creatively, financially and authoritatively. But it’s still our name backing your book. We believe so much in the books we choose that we forego our administrative costs as a way to lower the costs of services and entice writers to have their books carry our name.
While we offer the control you might get if you published your own work, we are also putting our name on it. And you wouldn’t want to find the Lucky Bat Books logo on just anything, now would you? Therefore, you must submit your work to us if you want to publish with Lucky Bat books.
(If you want to go with LB Press (our self-publishing imprint), we are at your disposal for any project).
How to submit your book to Lucky Bat Books
If you are submitting nonfiction, we require a full proposal with two sample chapters. An outline of a full proposal can be found here (Basic Non-Fiction Proposal Outline).
If you are submitting fiction, we want either a proposal (Sample Fiction Proposal) or simply a synopsis and 25 pages.
Either way, please e-mail your submission in the body of an e-mail (no attachments, please) to [email protected] and put Submission and the name of your book in the subject line.
Please send any questions to us at that same e-mail address.
While we endeavor to review all submissions on a timely basis, the process can take three weeks. Please know that we review everything we receive, and we will get back to you. (We know, it takes patience. And we don’t have a lot of that ourselves, so we totally understand.)
We thank you for your interest in being part of the Lucky Bat Books adventure!